Clutter Clearing


Deep transformation of home and soul


Let’s go all the way to freedom

Clutter happens

Things flow in faster than they flow out.

Paper piles up during that unforeseen crisis.

The spouse collects.

The kids move away and leave their stuff.

You’ve got “valuable” things you don’t want anymore, but don’t know what to do with.

We live in a culture of accumulation where there’s always something new and shiny to bring home.

Plus, there doesn’t seem to ever be time to go through it all…
…and it gets heavier and heavier.

Clutter creates stress, stagnation and confusion. It creates obstacles not only in your space, but in your life.

And because it happens gradually, one thing at a time, you probably don’t even know how much clutter is affecting your health, your energy, your motivation, and mood.

Why does clutter happen?

We’ve been taught to accumulate, but most of us haven’t ever been taught how to effectively eliminate and prevent clutter. Even if you’ve read books, watched TV shows or had a friend who’s a “born organizer,” you’ve probably learned things that haven’t helped because they’re not the right solution for YOU.


Anything you’ve tried that didn’t get you what you wanted isn’t because you’re broken, or lazy or missing some special ability. It’s because there wasn’t enough of the real you in the solutions you tried.



What does it cost NOT to clear the clutter?


• a lot of time and energy looking for things

missed payments and late fees because papers are lost in piles

the cost of buying things you already have but can’t find

buying things because you’ve forgotten what you have

putting things off because finding what you need will take too much time

the mountain keeps building up, so it takes longer to dig out

you don’t have people over because you’re embarrassed

your space feels awful, heavy and overwhelming

you get less done and life feels hard

Therapy for your home. Peace for you.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, exhausted or depressed, effective clutter clearing can bring you more peace and clarity than you may have ever experienced.

You’re good. You’re amazing. You’re uniquely gifted, but chances are, society hasn’t seen or supported your unique brilliance.

Let’s make sure your space does!


What happens when we work together to clear the clutter?


• experience deep healing on all levels. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

be energized, feel lighter and more excited about life

learn where your time, energy and money have been going

have room in the garage to park the car

stop paying rent for that expensive storage unit

feel great about having guests over

use the dining table for dining

have more time to do what you want

feel proud of your amazing accomplishment

• be empowered with the skills to maintain your beautiful, organized home

• find things easily

have mental space to make clear decisions

take great care of yourself

enjoy the delicious details of daily life, like a beautiful place to sit and rest

have your treasures out where you can enjoy them, instead of being stashed in a box somewhere or gathering dust

discover what really matters to you

choose what YOU want to do with your time, energy and money

have the space to live a calm and peaceful life

be free to live your soul’s purpose

Ready to go all the way to freedom?